This course is a series of 6 audio lessons, a workbook and audio Personality Recognition techniques with a Bonus program of Facial Recognition Techniques. You’ll also find the resources mentioned during the course, a list of great books and other tools to help you get to your sales goals faster and have more fun! I’ve included my Sales Journal for you to download or you can order one pre-printed.
You can open the Workbook to follow along with the audio Workbook lessons here:

The Approach
The approach is the most important aspect of your sales cycle. When you learn to control the process, you will be able to control your income. Learn how to be more comfortable with the initial contact and have more fun with the process. An approach is more in line with the concept of approaching an individual to see if there is a need.

The Interview Appointment
How do you determine what you need to sale? Is there a need? Appointments are often misinterpreted as a Trial Close. In fact the sole purpose of your first meeting with a Prospect is to build rapport and gather information that will be pertinent in determining whether there is a reason to continue pursuing them as a client.

The Presentation
What do they need to know about what you do? Is it the same for each client? How do you sell to their needs? Your presentation discloses how your product/service fits the needs of the client.

Proposals & Agreements
What do you need to include? What should be in writing? How do you get the signature early on?

Objections & The Close
Commitment is essential to finalizing the sales cycle. How do you recognize the right timing? What technique is most comfortable for you? If you’ve done your homework, the close should be smooth sailing. If you have any resistance at this point, go back and ask more questions. Remember, objections are unanswered questions.

Follow-up Calls, Implementation & Referrals
The second most important aspect of the sales cycle is the follow-up and implementation of the sale.
Learn how to turn this into future sales. Is the customer satisfied? Do you have an exit survey? This is perhaps the best method of gaining your most vital sales information.

The Workbook
Please download the Workbook and follow along with the audio programs.

There are several tools for you to use to help you analyze your sales success. The explanation to use these tools are within the audio program.
Sales Journal
Download Your Sales Journal
Order Your Sales Journal
About Face – Traits Tell Tales

You will learn how to use Facial Recognition traits to communicate better with your clients. You’ll learn how rapidly to talk or how slow to talk; how much to say or how little to say; how to gain their trust and how to get to the Close cycle faster than you’ve ever imagined!

Print the Sales Journal and write your successes in the front. Turn the book upside down and write your challenges from the back towards the center. You’ll learn more from your challenges than you can imagine!