Recognition of Faces

I just finished an interview with Jerry Myers on Blog Talk Radio which was a blast! I talked about face recognition techniques and was able to read a couple of people live on the interview. I think I truly surprised them!

The main reason you want to learn these techniques is to get to the close faster while building the best rapport with your prospect. When you’re on line using Social Media, it’s more challenging because you can’t make eye contact, react to their body language or engage them using your personality.

That’s why Physiognomy is such a powerful tool! You will be able to look at their picture and know exactly how to read how they process information and deliver your information in the style that makes them the most comfortable. Sales is all about finding out if there is a need, filling the need and knowing that you have the connection with them.

Take the time to build your relationships and always be looking to see how you can help them get more of what they want. It’s one of Zig Ziglar’s most powerful inspirations “Give them what they want and you’ll get want you want!”

2 thoughts on “Recognition of Faces”

  1. This is interesting, and while I believe there is much to be said for being able to accurately ‘read,’ peoples’ expressions, I also firmly believe effective relationships are based on much more than either being able to read faces or discern personality and/or behavior styles. So let’s understand the type of relationship we’re talking about. If the relationship doesn’t have to be deep (you have what I want, I pay you for it, you give it to me) then basing decisions on visual clues may be enough. However, if your intent is to create a long, deep, and fulfilling relationship that mutually benefits both parties for long time frames, then much more time and effort is required. When you can combine your observed facial features with behavioral and personality traits, plus a history of credibility with a person, THAT’S when a real relationship starts to germinate.

    Thanks for the subject, and the Zig Ziglar quote! Very timely, indeed!

  2. Hi Mark – thank you for your intuitive comment!
    However, Physiognomy in this instance is designed to help you get to the long term relationship faster by understanding, not the expression, but the interpretation of each physical facial trait.
    In my live classes my entrepreneurs have been closing their client more than 50% faster and ratios going from 1 in 8 to 2 out of 3 . . . that’s remarkable no matter how you look at it.
    And you’re right, it is the long term relationship they are going for, but facial recognition techniques get them there with much more ease.

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